Food Waste

Future Perfect presents the latest course on food waste, available now. Learn how you can actively contribute to reducing food waste.

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Course content and learning objectives

The course aims to embed the principles of food waste reduction at an early stage in the training of professions in the food industry and gastronomy. Learners acquire important skills to implement sustainable practices in their future careers.

The apprentices...

  • ...can explain what food waste is

  • ...can show how much food waste is produced in Switzerland.

  • ...can describe the consequences of food waste.

  • ...can explain where and why food waste occurs. 

  • ...can apply solutions to avoid food waste in their personal lives.  

  • ...can apply solutions to avoid food waste in the catering trade. 

Reduce food waste: A key to sustainability

Food waste is a major problem in Switzerland: around 2.8 million tons of edible food are lost every year. This not only causes unnecessary costs, but also has a considerable impact on the environment. By avoiding food waste, considerable amounts of resources and CO2 emissions can be saved.

This course shows how food waste can be reduced along the entire value chain - from the field to the plate.

Target groups

The project is primarily aimed at apprentices and teachers in basic vocational training as well as professionals in the food and catering industry. The course is also suitable for interested private individuals who would like to expand their knowledge of food waste and apply practical solutions to reduce it.

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