Course overview

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Courses for Science, Technology & Environment and IDAF

Basics systems

Learning Goal

Learners address the fundamentals of systems and how they function. Through the analysis of disturbances and resilience of systems, they acquire the understanding to visually represent relationships in critical system states.


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Sustainable development

Learning Goal

The learners deal intensively with the topic of "sustainable development" and explore different concepts and strategies using the example of biodiesel. In doing so, they acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, such as conducting interviews in teams of two.


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Climate change

Learning Goal

The students learn what the greenhouse effect and climate change are and how these phenomena affect us in Switzerland.


The course includes 3-4 lessons.

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Sustainability & circular economy

Learning Goal

Learners engage with sustainability and resource use.


The course lasts 2-3 lessons (incl. group work)

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Learning Goal

Learners engage with different aspects of technology, innovation and genetic engineering and learn what contribution they can make to sustainable development.


The course lasts 4-5 lessons.

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Learning Goal

Learners examine the role of energy, conservation of energy, and the metabolism of living things.


The course includes 3-4 lessons

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Climate data

Learning Goal

Learners explore climate change, measuring devices, climate elements, and climate diagrams.


The course includes 5-10 lessons, with the difference being the amount of written work.

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Learning Goal

Learners engage with natural cycles (soil, water & carbon).


The course includes 3-4 lessons for the knowledge part around the topics of soil, water & carbon cycles (3 lessons) and addressing Fake News (1 lesson).

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Learning Goal

Learners learn how animal species can relate to each other and the factors involved in reproduction.


The course includes about 3-4 lessons for the first part (vegetation zones, animal species and habitats) and 1-2 lessons for the second part (presentation of findings).

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Natural systems

Learning Goal

Learners engage with the biosphere, its levels of organization, and the building blocks of nature.


The course includes about 3-4 lessons for the first part (biosphere) and 1-2 lessons for the second part (other environmental area).

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Narratives in environmental issues

Learning Goal

Learners engage with narratives and framing in environmental issues.


The course includes approximately 5-6 lessons for assignments plus 6-20 lessons for independent project work.

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Learning Goal


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