Course overview

Discover our wide range of courses for vocational schools

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Courses for ABU and vocational studies

All courses can be used with teachers or independently. Teachers will find extensive documentation on the use of the courses in each course, including assessment grids for the proof of competence.

Food Waste

Learning Goal

Learners learn what food waste is and can explain it. They can describe how much food waste is produced in Switzerland and know the consequences of food waste. They develop solutions to avoid food waste in their personal lives and/or in the catering industry.


The course includes 3-4 lessons. 

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Learning Goal

In the first part, the learners build up a basis for sustainability and in the second part they consider what contribution their training company could make. They record their idea in a statement.


The course consists of about 3-4 lessons. 

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Circular economy

Learning Goal

Learners will recognize the difference between a linear and circular economy, develop a circular strategy for a product in their industry, and give a presentation. 


The course consists of about 3-5 lessons. 

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Climate change

Learning Goal

The students learn what the greenhouse effect and climate change are and how these phenomena affect Switzerland. They think about the role that companies play and form their own opinions.


The course consists of about 3-4 lessons. 

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Learning Goal

The learners learn what energy is, what different types there are and how it is used in Switzerland. The learners continuously work on a mind map and record thoughts and findings there. 


The course consists of about 3-5 lessons. 

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Project work

Learning Goal

The learners delve into the circular economy and develop an idea of how their training company could apply a circular economy strategy. To do this, they write a concept and shoot a short video. 


The course consists of about 7-8 lessons. 

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