Circular Quest makes the circular economy a fun experience

September 13, 2024

Circular Quest began with a kick-off event at Werkhof Olten. The interactive scavenger hunt aims to make the circular economy a fun experience. It is aimed at students and private individuals. Following the pilot project in Olten, it is to be rolled out in Dietikon ZH, Aarau and Zurich.

The Future Perfect association has developed Circular Quest. The game is designed as an interactive scavenger hunt to teach how waste can be avoided and how everyday life can be made sustainable through the conscious use of resources. It is aimed at students, companies and private individuals.

According to a press release, the pilot project in Olten was launched on September 12 with a kick-off event at the city's Werkhof. This was opened by Mayor Thomas Marbet. "Our cities are facing major challenges," Marbet is quoted as saying. "The circular economy is an opportunity to tackle these and turn waste into valuable resources." Education plays a central role in this, said Martin Räber from Future Perfect. It is "the key to making learners fit for a sustainable future". Companies such as Patagonia and studio colony GmbH also presented their activities in the field of the circular economy at the event.

Circular Quest can now be played in Olten. The scavenger hunt starts at the train station and lasts around two hours.

Circular Quest was supported by the Federal Office for the Environment and the Swisslos Fund Solothurn. Future Perfect, based in Olten, is an association for the promotion of education for sustainable development and is managed by Eartheffect GmbH. ce/stk

To the original article from punkt4info
