Further education courses on general education (ABU)

24 April 2021


Further education courses on general education (ABU)

Further education courses with Future Perfect at SFIVET on general education (ABU)

Continuing education courses with Future Perfect at SFIVET: Sustainability in vocational education and training - digital and action competence-oriented

Future Perfect offers (free) professional development courses at the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training(SFIVET) for VET teachers. The professional development courses are aimed at all teachers of general education who are interested in expanding their didactic repertoire and reflecting on their own work. The training is divided into the following two parts:

Part 1: Basics online

The online course conveys relevant theoretical basics of sustainable development. The focus is on strategies and competences in the field of sustainability.

Within the framework of a self-experiment, the participants gain experience in order to digitally implement the trading competence orientation.

You can choose when to attend within the period from 02 to 18 May.
to the Basics Course

Part 2: Application

In the second part, sector-specific methods for the practical implementation of the topic of sustainable development are developed in workshops. 

The learning objectives of the course include the following aspects:

  • Integrating the topic of sustainable development with a focus on the circular economy into school lessons
  • Promoting sustainable consumption among learners
  • Competence for digital teaching

to the application course


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