Autumn news from Future Perfect

October 13, 2023


Autumn news from Future Perfect

Autumn has already graced us with an unexpected number of sunny hours and we are all looking forward to the picturesque walks in the forest that the coming season has to offer. But it's not just colorful nature that gives us reason to look forward. We also have exciting announcements to make at Future Perfect!

New TU courses on offer

We have expanded our TU courses, which include "Understanding Systems" and "Sustainable Development."

  • Understanding Systems: Delve into the world of systems, learn about the link between malaria and cats in Borneo, and understand the connections in a system at a tipping point.
  • Sustainable development: Discover what is really meant by sustainable development and learn about different sustainability models. A special highlight of the course are the interviews you will conduct in teams of two.

Both courses are specifically designed for the vocational baccalaureate level, but can be adapted for other levels as well.

Exciting courses in winter

The cold season promises not only snow and cozy evenings, but also two brand new courses at Future Perfect, which will be completed at the end of the year:

  • Circular economy: This interdisciplinary topic is becoming increasingly important in our society. In our new course, you will learn how to develop strategies for the circular economy. A must for everyone interested in a sustainable future!
  • Foodwaste: In cooperation with experts from the FOEN and foodwaste pioneer Mirko Buri, we offer an innovative course that focuses not only on knowledge transfer, but especially on application. Learn how you can reduce food waste in your everyday life and set an example for a sustainable future.

We are convinced that education is the key to a better world. Together with you, we want to work for a sustainable, responsible and conscious society. Let's start an exciting fall and winter season together!


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