éducation21 takes over the costs of the schools

02 June 2021


éducation21 takes over the costs of the schools

The national competence and service centre for education for sustainable development (ESD) éducation21 now pays half of the licence costs of Future Perfect ABU for participating schools.

The issues around sustainability and the increasing uncertainty about resource use are moving more and more into the focus of politics and education. These challenges call for skills and competences that can be used in both private and professional settings. ESD is a cross-curricular concept that cannot be addressed in a subject-specific way. Future Perfect ABU helps teachers with prepared and linked content on the most important sustainability topics, which are linked to form a narrative.

With its "Education for Sustainable Development" fund, éducation21 supports school and class projects that want to contribute to sustainability in the area of waste and recycling. With the focus on a circular economy, Future Perfect ABU imparts competences on sustainability that start precisely in this area.

To receive support, all you need to do is fill out the simplified application form for ESD funding from éducation21 and submit it to finanzhilfen@education21.ch. We will be happy to support and advise you in filling out the application form.

Apply for support now


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